
Why are guys so afraid of rejections

Not to sound like a prick. But, you only live once. I'm more of a "there's no harm in trying" kind of guy. I'd rather try and get it over with and off my chest. That way her and I can either fancy each other or I can move onto someone else. Its a big world out there with many people in it. Also, from personal experiance if I don't try it bothers me for a few days. I'll ask myself a whole lot of "what if" questions. That can drive anyone crazy. I guess it all depends on the person. So I'd rather risk rejection than go through that. I don't take it personal if someone isn't interested in me either. They're just not feeling it. Also, I'm noted for when I'm out with the guys. If one of my friends is checking a girl out and doesn't talk to her. I simply say "I'd rather die than live down on my knees" that saying applies to many aspects of life.
14 years

Why are guys so afraid of rejections

lol if those three guys ever find out they ot the same message...

But yeah, i've done the whole confession thing, it doesn't work, just makes things hella awkward, i'm similar to forest, never had anything real, but i've had a few girls i've liked and i tried, but my god it sucks striking out, every time is like another nail in ur coffin and u think "how can i do this crap again"

Seriously, when you spend 6 years studying a girl and come to the conclusion that she must feel SOMETHING for you so you may as well give it a shot, only to find out she never gave you a second thought?

Most aspects of my life i've learnt to trust my instincts, but with this stuff? they couldn't be further off so i have no interest in pursuing a girl who probably enjoys the fact i just leave her alone...

bah, soz, i got carried away, this subject sucks >.<

14 years

Why are guys so afraid of rejections

robox201 wrote
If u can't talk to a chick, how are u gonna b able to do REALLY scary stuff, like slaying dragons and/or robots? Maybe even a roBOX! ;-)

Well, when talking to a girl your life isn't on the line, just your dignity and ego, so it's not really the same thing.

I can't tell you, though, how many times I've been perched atop a dragon's head, crouching, spear in one hand, holding on for dear life with the other, as I await the perfect opportunity to plunge my weapon into the dragon's glowing eye, praying that the instrument does not fail me and that my aim is true to pierce its brain, my armor stifling me, bruises all over my body from a brutal swipe of its claws that had knocked me against a rock, but I persevered despite shattered bones, gritting my teeth against the pain as I climbed its scaly hide and neck to get to its head, and all the while in the back of my mind I was worrying most about how to ask that hot fatty out for dinner.
14 years

Why are guys so afraid of rejections

robox201 wrote
If u can't talk to a chick, how are u gonna b able to do REALLY scary stuff, like slaying dragons and/or robots? Maybe even a roBOX! ;-)

You know how often i day dream and wish my worst problems were fighting for my life in some far off galaxy to save someones life rather then some stupid girl who couldn't give a crap about me but who i want to worship the ground she walks on?

my god thats a gramatical nightmare o.O

but yeah, point is, love stinks, just look at me, i wasted my schooling thinking about it!

14 years

Why are guys so afraid of rejections

boobiesmegee wrote
omg one of my crushes responded and its was the sweets rejection ever in my life
i let you guys read it

You are simply awesome! This message made my day. However, I do have a serious girlfriend that I have been living with for about a year and a half now. I do have to say though that this message was very ballsy and very impressive. I wish more people were this straight forward and gutsy to go after the things they want. I do remember you being very funny and cool and I had a great time hanging out with you and your friends. I don't get hit on as much as you think and this note was very flattering and a big confidence booster at a time when I have really needed it. I hope you don't read this response as a rejection, but more of a response of circumstance. I feel very confident that if you continue this brilliant mind frame you will get to live a very happy and fulfilling life with more opportunities and experience then most. So please don't be discouraged. I wish I can be more like you. I hope you keep in touch!!

yeah the sexy guy wants to be more like me you hear that world *happy dance* supper score leah

Ahhhhhh sh@$!!!
You go girl,
it's your birthday, and we don't give a motha f$@#*! cause it's your birthday! smiley
14 years

Why are guys so afraid of rejections

Forest wrote
Self confidence issues for me. For one, never been in a relationship or whatever... It really turns me down in the dumps. "Is there something wrong with me?" for example is a thought which have surfaced sometimes. Then of course, I'm also thinking about my own sexual frustration. Is what I feel just lust or is it love? There inexperience counts in.

However, I feel that for the first time in my life I'm really in love, and have expressed it to the woman I feel that way for. smiley We'll see how things work out....

Ahhh, youngsters. (I say this not being much older than you.)

I was that way when I first came to this site as well, but I think since then I've finally let go of the way people treated each other as children (this includes high school and for some people, beyond). I used to doubt myself constantly because I was dorky and in school people were dicks and yadda. But it takes a while to realize when you've been mistreated all your life that you do have good qualities. Creativity, intellect...these things help people who've never felt like part of the popular crowd still value themselves and be able to ask someone out on a date. After all, I bet none of my old bullies are making music in their spare time, or using their brains at all...I'm going to generalize here (since in general these people deserve it), but I'm willing to bet the majority of them are working factory jobs and getting drunk every night because of how miserable their lives are. So...that thought has crossed my mind before as well. (Well, she could be dating one of those apes from school, so I beat that, right?)

I don't know...I was going to try to sound motivational but I think I'm failing to make my point a bit. So I digress.
14 years

Why are guys so afraid of rejections

You never learn to like rejection, but you do get used to it.

I was afraid of it for many years and eventually got over it, but I sure let a lot of opportunities go by!

Strike while the iron is hot!
12 years

Why are guys so afraid of rejections

Honestly, it probably comes from the ancient teaching that is hard-wired into every male: You can't fail! Rejection is failing and you can't have that oh no no no no nosmiley It is forbidden, like sex before marriage...we see how long that lasted, right? Then if you fail, you can't do anything right and your whole life will evaporate and go down the drain.:o:o:o NOT!!!!smiley

I'm with you Mady, I'm starting to come out of my shell a bit and see what's what. Being more let's say adventurous.

Additionally, being different is weird too, and who'd ever have thought being courageous and confident would mean you were "different?" I don't get that at all.
12 years